Monday, August 01, 2022

2022 Draft Order and Divisions

Training camps have started and the 3FL is renewed for our 22nd season. It's time for some football!

Instead of the usual method, our setup was chosen in a different way for this year. We used each manager's Yahoo! rating to determine our divisions:

Predacons, Spiked Vipers, Phys. Ed. Phenoms, Dumbbums

the HAW, Misfits, Inc., Lightning, Stiletto Stompers

Marauders, Baltimorons, Yuengling Brewers, Renegades

and to determine our draft order:

2022 3FL Draft Order

1. Misfits, Inc.
2. Yuengling Brewers
3. Spiked Vipers
4. the HAW
5. Renegades
6. Predacons
7. Stiletto Stompers
8. Baltimorons
9. Phys. Ed. Phenoms
10. Lightning
11. Marauders
12. Dumbbums

The league page is up and running and the draft order, divisions and schedule matrix have been updated. We will tentatively hold the live online draft at 9:00pm EDT on Thursday, September 1, 2022. That's exactly one month from today.

Good luck this season!!