Week 8 Recap
Top Scoring 3FL Team: Marauders - 89 points
Player MVPs:
Detroit Lions Defense - 29 points
Matthew Stafford (QB/Det) - 24 points
Ray Rice (RB/Bal) - 22 points
Buffalo Bills Defense - 23 points
Predictions Tally
The Comm-nosticator: 24/48 - 50%
League Voting: 25/48 - 52.08%
Yahoo! Projections: 22/48 - 45.83%
Go vote!
Week 9 Information
Sunday Night: Baltimore Ravens @ Pittsburgh Steelers
Monday Night: Chicago Bears @ Philadelphia Eagles
Bye Week: Panthers, Lions, Jaguars, Vikings
And now the Comm-nosticator’s predictions for week 9:
Marauders (-1/2) vs. Stiletto Stompers
Coach Hoss continues to pile up the points this year, already eclipsing the 600 point mark and outscoring the rest of the league in three of our eight weeks of competition. It's a good thing Adrian Peterson is on a bye or this one wouldn't even be interesting - with all of the Stompers injuries and matchups and everything.
Renegades (-1/2) vs. Predacons
Somehow, relying on the underachievement of others, the Predacons continue to win. And somehow the Renegades and Tom Brady continue to lose. So both of those things just might happen again. But it's looking like Darren McFadden is out for this weekend. All bets are off.
Spiked Vipers (-1) vs. Dumbbums
Speaking of Darren McFadden the Vipers sure hope he can't play so that Michael Bush can start for the Raiders instead. Actually, it shouldn't take much more than Aaron Rodgers this week. These teams have a combined five reasons to watch the Steelers/Ravens on Sunday night to wrap this one up (and that's with Coach Coaldog keeping Big Ben on the bench).
ray ray haw (-1) vs. Misfits, Inc.
The haw have lost only one time in their last 14 weeks. 14 weeks! That's a single loss in more than an entire regular season's worth of games! They will continue to roll this week against a FitzCorp team with a bunch of tough matchups. At least Coach Tim-A gets to watch the E-A-G-L-E-S in prime time again.
Baltimorons (-1/2) vs. Lightning
What is going on in the atmosphere? The Lightning are one loss away from adding their name to the losing streak list. Perhaps the Tebow era is already over? They could definitely double their win total this week (since the Baltimorons are without the services of Cam Newton and Megatron), but why should we trust them? Perhaps the Baltimorons will stage a MNF comeback for their third tie this year instead.
And the game of the week...
The Comfy Chair (-1/2) vs. Yuengling Brewers
First they replace a win with a tie thanks to a stat correction, and now they have to deal with Matthew Stafford on a bye. The Brewers aren't in for an easy week especially since the Chair need a victory to stay in the playoff race. Michael Vick on Monday night for the comeback win!
Good luck this week.

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